Testing Your Fitness Where Are You Placed At The 6 Month Mark?

For the month of June we’re talking all things testing and taking stock of where we are halfway through 2017. For this weeks body blog, we’re looking at the best ways to test our fitness and our lifestyle! Exercise Test This isn’t a physical test where we’re going to see […]

Waging a War on Winter

Last week we focused on prevention for this upcoming cold and flu season. This week, we’re looking at what to do if the cold does break through all those barriers that you’ve set up. It takes double the effort – sometimes literally – and should be approached like any other […]


Who here wants more ENERGY? It’s one of the underpinning philosophies here at Energy|Body|Mind (hence the name) and there’s a reason for it; the amount of energy you have impacts on your quality of life EVERYDAY. If you wake up tired, how much do you feel like fuelling yourself with […]

6 Things You Need to Do for Yourself This Year

The world has become a pretty unstable and unsettling place at the moment – Donald Trump is in charge of the most powerful country in the world, the UK is in negotiation to leave the rest of the EU, and war continues to rage in the Middle East. One sitting of […]

Are You Living 80/20? How and why you can...

Okay so I think most of you may have heard of the 80/20 rule as this distant principle that you could apply to your life to get some benefit out of. Originally called the Pareto Principle, this philosophy was first applied in business. It was commonly found that 20% of […]

The Planners vs. The Free Spirit Where Do You Sit?

How does your day usually run at the moment?  Do you have time for breakfast?  Do you catch yourself at work wearing a top and skirt that don’t match?  Or odd coloured socks?  Do you get stuck in the rain without an umbrella?  Left your keys/wallet/phone at home? Or are […]

Mental Health & Wellbeing: It’s As Easy As K-P-I

You’ve probably already heard me passionate about the need to work on employee wellbeing within organisations.  I spoke about it here and here and it’s the core of my whole 6-month blueprint. But recently, two big players have called for unprecedented action in the corporate setting to improve employee wellbeing.  […]

Do You Jump Out Of Bed? How to get you rising with more energy!

How many of you hit the ‘snooze’ button this morning?  “Just one more time” you tell yourself.  These photos that I see of people’s alarm clocks – while hilarious – are also the BEST way to feel WORSE waking up.  That little bit of extra sleep that you think you […]