Synchronicity with Your Tribe

  Ever feel like you’re the odd one out of your tribe? Like you are trying to grow and develop yourself everyday, week, and month, and no one is there with you? You may have started (or mastered) meditating, you exercise consistently every week, and you’re eating the best foods […]

Is Your Body Calling a “Time Out”? Detoxifying the soul.

I’ve blogged before on the Elimination Cycle and the steps for preparing, but we’re starting a new cycle of the Elimination Detox TODAY so I wanted there to be another resource for people to learn about this. There are several symptoms that you may see within yourself that are signs […]

The Fitness Trends for 2017 How Many Are You Doing Already?

The annual survey of worldwide fitness trends is now in its 11th year! I always can’t wait to read up on it because not only do they predict what’s coming for the next year, but they also reflect back on previous years to see how people’s predictions played out. It’s […]


Do you dread your exercise regime at the moment?  Sick of the same old classes at your local gym?  Or over your weekly runs that are on the same route?  When exercise becomes mundane and boring not only does your body plateau but so does the mind.  We’ve been told […]

Mental Health & Wellbeing: It’s As Easy As K-P-I

You’ve probably already heard me passionate about the need to work on employee wellbeing within organisations.  I spoke about it here and here and it’s the core of my whole 6-month blueprint. But recently, two big players have called for unprecedented action in the corporate setting to improve employee wellbeing.  […]

Do You Jump Out Of Bed? How to get you rising with more energy!

How many of you hit the ‘snooze’ button this morning?  “Just one more time” you tell yourself.  These photos that I see of people’s alarm clocks – while hilarious – are also the BEST way to feel WORSE waking up.  That little bit of extra sleep that you think you […]

The Elimination Cycle Plus What You Actually CAN Eat

Why do you eat food?  For nutrients, for enjoyment, or a combination of both?  A good balance between the two is healthy and necessary, but as a society, that balance is starting to fall much more heavily in favour of ‘pleasure’.  We are eating more and more (both figuratively and […]

How the Office Is Killing You Plus the ways to kill it back

New studies are emerging almost weekly, telling us about the negative impact that ‘office life’ is having on our bodies.  One of the latest pieces of research has broken down the economic costs of the lack of physical activity in our society.  Estimates have shown that the health impacts of physical […]

How I Learnt to Control Stress in 80 Seconds Flat

Ever been in a situation where your heart is racing?  You can hear the sound of your pulse in your ears, you feel light-headed or dizzy… and it’s not because a lion was chasing you. Most of us are well versed in regular encounters with stress.  Whether it is a […]

Release your Inner Lion(ness) Your Posture and You

When you think about posture, what happened?  Did you sit up a bit straighter?  Pull your shoulders back into alignment?  Chances are if you spend most of your day sitting down, your posture has some room for improvement!  We often think our posture only affects the physical being, but it […]