Tag: happiness
Mental Health & Wellbeing: It’s As Easy As K-P-I
You’ve probably already heard me passionate about the need to work on employee wellbeing within organisations. I spoke about it here and here and it’s the core of my whole 6-month blueprint. But recently, two big players have called for unprecedented action in the corporate setting to improve employee wellbeing. […]
Do You Use Food As A Reward? Why you need to pick a new reward system.
Are You Going Crazy? A Dedication to World Mental Health Month
October is World Mental Health Month. The World Health Organisation (WHO) defines mental health as the state of well-being in which every individual with their own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and is able to make a contribution to their community. Nearly half […]
Bringing the Retreat to You And Keeping It There...
Ever wanted to go to a wellness retreat? Be it yoga, meditation, massage, holistic health, the choices are endless. Retreats can be an expensive expedition, and you often feel amazing while you’re away, but then come back to reality and forget to implement all your learnings into your everyday life. Before […]
How the Office Is Killing You Plus the ways to kill it back
New studies are emerging almost weekly, telling us about the negative impact that ‘office life’ is having on our bodies. One of the latest pieces of research has broken down the economic costs of the lack of physical activity in our society. Estimates have shown that the health impacts of physical […]
Why Arianna Huffington QUITS Corporate World Is it really for the greater good?
Arianna Huffington has been on our radar for a while. She really made her mark in 2005 co-founding the Huffington Post. The news medium aggressively rose to become one of America’s most visited websites. It arguably created a new wave of opinion blogging, online journalism, and a balancing act for […]
How Much Do You Drink? The number one catalyst for improving your health.
The Change Makers Sleeping Their Way to the Top
You know that feeling that you often have; foggy head, snapping at family or co-workers, a sluggish demeanour? A typical Monday potentially? A lack of sleep, or a lack of quality sleep, is often the number one culprit for these and many other chronic health symptoms that we experience beyond Mondayitis. […]