What Have You Ticked Off the Bucket List for 2017?

Founder of E|B|M Angela has a birthday coming up this week, so in celebration of this we’re talking all things related to milestones. You’ll commonly see lists like “30 by 30” or “50 by 50” that people set themselves as goals to achieve by a certain timeline. Not only do […]

Walking Your Way To Mental Freedom

For the month of March, we’re talking about stress, and the ways that we can manage it. Stress is something that we can’t avoid, but if we learn the tools and techniques to control it, then we can go a long way to creating a healthier and happier life. It […]

Feeling Stressed? It Might Be the Birds – or The Lack Of!

Research has recently come to light that if you live in a neighbourhood surrounded by trees, shrubs, and chirping birds, then there is less chance for you to suffer from anxiety or stress. According to researchers, lower levels of depression, anxiety and stress were associated with the number of birds people […]

6 Things You Need to Do for Yourself This Year

The world has become a pretty unstable and unsettling place at the moment – Donald Trump is in charge of the most powerful country in the world, the UK is in negotiation to leave the rest of the EU, and war continues to rage in the Middle East. One sitting of […]

The Fitness Trends for 2017 How Many Are You Doing Already?

The annual survey of worldwide fitness trends is now in its 11th year! I always can’t wait to read up on it because not only do they predict what’s coming for the next year, but they also reflect back on previous years to see how people’s predictions played out. It’s […]


Do you dread your exercise regime at the moment?  Sick of the same old classes at your local gym?  Or over your weekly runs that are on the same route?  When exercise becomes mundane and boring not only does your body plateau but so does the mind.  We’ve been told […]

Mental Health & Wellbeing: It’s As Easy As K-P-I

You’ve probably already heard me passionate about the need to work on employee wellbeing within organisations.  I spoke about it here and here and it’s the core of my whole 6-month blueprint. But recently, two big players have called for unprecedented action in the corporate setting to improve employee wellbeing.  […]