Tag: wellness
Testing Your Fitness Where Are You Placed At The 6 Month Mark?
What Have You Ticked Off the Bucket List for 2017?
Waging a War on Winter
Expert Personal Trainer Weighs In On Stress and Exercise Guest Interview with Kat Jacob
This week we’re interviewing Kat Jacob. Kat’s a passionate personal trainer who is doing some amazing things with her own training. She works with many corporate clients, so this week we’re talking to her about how exercise can help relieve stress and what types of exercise are best for that whether […]
Feeling Stressed? It Might Be the Birds – or The Lack Of!
Research has recently come to light that if you live in a neighbourhood surrounded by trees, shrubs, and chirping birds, then there is less chance for you to suffer from anxiety or stress. According to researchers, lower levels of depression, anxiety and stress were associated with the number of birds people […]