Choosing the Perfect Lunch Date For Professionals Under the Pump

Picking the perfect lunch can be like finding the perfect partner.  At first, we tend to go after the ‘fast food’ aka the tall | dark | handsome one who only cares for his own hair and his beauty sleep.  It’s a very appealing option in the beginning and we justify […]

Forgot What you Had for Breakfast? The top way to boost your memory

Ever find yourself struggling to remember what you ate for breakfast?  Or whether you locked the front door before you left?  Or maybe found some important information that your boss told you yesterday to follow up on has now slipped your mind? In our plugged-in paradigm, when we often have three […]

Bio-Individuality Your Body has Something to Tell You

A hallmark of my teaching has been founded on bio-individuality: “One man’s food is another man’s poison”. I don’t believe in prescribing menu or food plans for the masses.  I’m not here to tell a 50 year old woman with a corporate job to have two protein shakes a day.  But […]

Finding a (Training) Soulmate aka your accountability coach

We don’t really need an excuse to see our friends more often, but I’m about to give you FIVE reasons so that you can. Having a training partner is not only great for your body, but it helps with your mental capacity as well. Training alone is not that fun, […]

Happiness – The Most Overused Buzzword?

The concept of happiness has become a well studied phenomenon in the last decade or so, as more and more authors are writing self-help books, while magazines are coming up with the ‘top tips to be happier’ and Ted Talks are littered with the concept. Everyone wants to be happier. […]